Brand new WordPress website
we recently had the opportunity to redesign and build a website for Forest Town Church in St Albans. They previously had a plan with Wix which was costing them way too much money a year and left them with an outdated website without the flexibility that they needed.
We brought them over to a WordPress based site which gave us huge potential design and feature wise to turn their site into an up to date hub for the community. Moving to WordPress saved them a lot of money. Now all they pay is a minimal amount for their 2 domain names and are on a free charity hosting package provided by TSOHost (who are amazing!)
The church’s old site was full of stock photography which we wanted to eliminate so we spent a couple of days at the church taking photos and shooting some video for us to use throughout the site. We also shot a piece to camera video of the lead pastor welcoming people to the site.
Feature wise, the site integrates with their database software called ChurchSuite meaning the site is always up to date with upcoming events and community groups which people can sign up for from the site. As well as this, we uploaded the last two years worth of sermons onto the site for visitors to listen to and still maintain the management of these going forward.
Another amazing title
Moneda is a mobile-first cryptocurrency investment platform. There isn’t enough mobile accessibility in the world of cryptocurrency, and our team realizes that.
This is a small heading
Vivamus vehicula felis eget lectus laoreet finibus. Pellentesque luctus odio sapien, at suscipit mi malesuada non. Duis elementum cursus auctor. Morbi quis mattis tortor. Duis quis tortor sed sapien tincidunt ultrices tempor et ligula. Sed finibus, sem elementum tincidunt tempor, ipsum nisi ullamcorper magna, vel dignissim eros sapien at sem. Aliquam interdum, ante eget sagittis fermentum, mauris metus luctus sem, at molestie lorem.
Nested column with a title & text
Cras eget mollis leo. In ultricies sit amet justo ac tincidunt. Integer volutpat enim non velit pellentesque, a placerat dolor ullamcorper. Phasellus ac dolor velit. Nam molestie turpis sit amet diam lobortis sagittis.
Nested column with a title & text
Cras eget mollis leo. In ultricies sit amet justo ac tincidunt. Integer volutpat enim non velit pellentesque, a placerat dolor ullamcorper. Phasellus ac dolor velit. Nam molestie turpis sit amet diam lobortis sagittis.
An even smaller heading
Duis quis tortor sed sapien tincidunt ultrices tempor et ligula. Sed finibus, sem elementum tincidunt tempor, ipsum nisi ullamcorper magna, vel dignissim eros sapien at sem. Aliquam interdum, ante eget sagittis fermentum, mauris metus luctus sem, at molestie lorem.
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Sed finibus, sem elementum tincidunt tempor, ipsum nisi ullamcorper magna, vel dignissim eros sapien at sem. Aliquam interdum, ante eget sagittis fermentum, mauris metus luctus sem, at molestie.
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